Firearms and Hearing

One of the least discussed dangers of firearms is hearing loss and tinnitus.
Your ears are one of the only body parts that cannot heal the same way muscle, skin, etc. does.
In other words, you cannot "tough it out" and become resilient against sound without harming your health.
This is why hearing loss is cumulative and cannot be reversed.
This site is meant to educate people about protecting hearing when using firearms.

  • As sound moves into the cochlea, it causes little hair-like cells to vibrate.
  • But exposure to extremely loud noises can cause the cells to get "broken" and become permanently bent.
  • This causes the cells to stop responding to sound (hearing loss) and/or to continuously send "noise" signals to the brain (tinnitus).
  • Tinnitus is the perception of sound even when no sound is present.
Movies and TV shows drastically exaggerate two aspects of firearms: recoil and noise. Often you will see firearms being used with virtually no recoil, which is impossible regardless of how strong a person is. But far more egregious than this, action heroes are shown repeatedly firing guns with no harm to their hearing. In fact, exposure to a single gunshot without hearing protection can cause hearing loss and tinnitus. Members of our military are quite familiar with dangerous noise levels. For many, their exposure to gunfire and other extreme noises causes hearing loss and tinnitus. In fact, hearing loss and tinnitus are the two most common reasons for claims with the VA.
This is an excellent Guns & Ammo article on hearing loss from firearms. Another article on hearing loss, this one from Outdoor Life.
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